Tuesday, September 14, 2004

the thrills of creative living


Had a pretty crazy odyssey yesterday.

You see, Taki, from the St. Louis Symphony, says that he is going to speak with Leonard Slatkin today about me. So, I was going to drop off a video at Taki's house by yesterday.

I would've done it sooner, but, for a long time, I was trying to think of some clever package for the video. I think I was just overthinking the whole think-um, I mean, 'THING'. The main thing is that it's coming to him via a musician he knows well and respects.

But, last night, starting at around 10:00 or so, I finally gave up on that idea and started trying to come up with some kind of text to include with the video.

For a while, I worked on an FAQ, but I didn't think it read particularly interestingly. So, after the same guy from a previous entry talked at me for a good 40 minutes or so (I'd have to come off as truly rude to cut him off...one of those kinds of people who start talking to you and have a way of dragging it on and on, as if it was appropriate), I finally ended up discovering that I had a press release on disk from my last concert that had a cool photo graphic in it.

So, I changed it around, added some things, erased some things...that whole process took until around 4:45am.

Then, I had to go to Kinko's to get a color copy. I thought I'd just be able to run in there and have them do it. He said he couldn't get to it until around noon.

Well, I didn't understand that, but I went ahead and got a copycard and did it myself, which is actually a process that they should make easy and painless, but it is not.

Then, I started looking around for folders and things, and took a lot more time. I ended up going with a small cardboard box. Creative, right?

THEN, I finally started in the direction of Taki's house.

THEN, I realized I left my wallet at Kinko's. So, I turned around, got it back, had to get gas, and THEN went to Taki's house.

I parked on the street and looked for his house. By the time I saw it, some guys had parked close by and were just sitting there. I kept walking.

When I felt fairly sure that they weren't going to destroy me, I went to Taki's doorstep and put the box there, along with a thank-you note for Taki.

Then, I had to figure out how to get home. You can't just leave the way you came in on his street.

I finally got home at around 6:45am. So, well over eight hours just to do that.

Thrilling, right?


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