Saturday, May 21, 2005


I had a bunch of strange dreams last night.

One involved me trying to escape from a mental institution.

Funny? Yes, and I really did have a dream like this.

At one point, I saw Jay Herskowitz there. Jay Herskowitz is someone I went to junior high and high school with. I was never particularly good friends with him, but he was in a class or two. Why was he in this dream? I don't know...maybe I wondered about him at some point.

Elton John popped up at some point, too. I'm not a huge fan, but I was thinking about one of his songs the other day for some reason.

I also had a dream that someone called me and was trying to reach my mother. He was a realtor and he wanted to know when she was going to sell her house. Well, she currently doesn't OWN a house. So, he thanked me, and wanted me to stay on the line so that he and his whole realty office could wish me a Merry Christmas.

It wasn't Christmas.

A lot of music, too. I dream up a TON of music that I never use [at least in a consciously aware way]. I'll be dreaming that I'm listening to something, or that someone's playing something, or SOMEthing. I'll never realize in the dream that this is stuff I'm making up IN my dream. I'm pretty sure a good chunk of the music I've dreamed up has been pretty good.

I did dream once that I was running around in the music building at Webster, late at night with all of the lights off.

At first, as I was running around, I was saying "Hello! Hello! Hello!"

Then, I was saying "Holland! Holland! Holland!"

Then, at some point, I ran out of the building through the fire escape, as the sun was starting to come up. The perspective shifted from mine to that of a camera view of the fire escape door as I ran down.

Then, in the background, came the sound of Chinese or Japanese singers singing English words but with their native accent:

"Hel-lo, Hollannnd....on Radio Station Number Five."

With, of course with their accent, sounded like this:

"Her-ro, Radio Station Numba Fye."

They sang it a few times, I believe, and then I woke up.

Somehow, in my waking moments, I pieced together what it meant:

An American aspires to live an artistic life. He graduates from college and expects to land a nice broadcasting gig with PBS or NPR.

Instead, he finds himself in Japan where he has been hired to create, produce, and host a radio show about the art music of Holland.

So, the music I was hearing was various personnel at the Japanese radio station, singing the theme song that he had created.

I derived from all of this that I was to write a piece, or a story, or SOMEthing, called "Hello Holland", involving the theme of artists making the most out of what they can accomplish, even if it is hardly in line with what they expected.

I guess that applies to everyone.

I'll let you know if I write it.


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