Monday, November 22, 2004

Oh great.

Well, I HAD a new entry, but, it's gone.


So, here's a summary:

I've been spending most of my time these last couple weeks or so on two things:

1. Music for a short CD
2. Ad campaign ideas for the Lupus Foundation benefit concert this Spring

The CD should be pretty interesting, assuming my minidisc recorder, my still-borrowed stereo mic (thanks again, Steve) and a good-sounding room with a good piano [both of which I'm not supposed to have access to] all work out well enough to lead to a good enough recording.

But before all of that comes the music, which I'm still working on. hahaha

But I can project a CD out of it because right now I have four new potential pieces which I'm excited about. Maybe it'll be a little more than that by the time it's all said and done, but what I have is enough to make something out of.

The reason I don't have a CD (and part of the reason I'm still not going to have a full-length CD,) is that I'm very, VERY serious about having the right sound quality as WELL as the right performance conditions as WELL as the right performances. Of course, nothing's going to be perfect, but it's very important that I'm at least close to all three of those things for a full-length CD.

So, when I really want to give someone a 'demo', I give them a video, which is basically me performing in front of a stationary camera. It's a pretty good video, and it's definitely led to some interest.

[speaking of this, that video will be coming to you, Lee, as promised, just having a little duplication trouble right now]

BUT, I recognize that a CD is the media standard for someone who makes music, so, I need to have one. I hoping that this can start to bridge that gap...even though I woudn't say that that's the main reason why I'm making this CD.

The artwork for the CD should be pretty neat, too, so, I'll keep you posted.

I've turned into a walking ad agency for this benefit concert.

It's a lot of fun! I'm trying to come up with as many strategies as I can to promote this concert this Spring.

To re-cap, I'll be performing a benefit concert this Spring for the Missouri Chapter of the Lupus Foundation.

It's going to be really neat. I've come up with some interesting ideas already...but there's much more to do, and the work hasn't even really started yet.

I've also got to get the concert scheduled, and I hope to do that by the end of the month. I have to choose a venue, too, but it looks like it'll be one of two very good ones.

So, that's about it for now.

This is pretty cool. It was posted as a news item on the blogger home page:

I don't know her, or any of her blogs, but, hey, it's pretty cool. Congratulations!


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